E-Book Orders
Information on availability, formats, devices, usage, and ordering
Bush Medicine of the Bahamas
- A PDF formatted e-book of Bush Medicine of the Bahamas is available together with the purchase of the hardback edition for customers in the United States. Upon approval of your order, your personalized e-book is delivered by a download link. Orders received during weekdays and most weekends are typically processed and delivered within 24 hours. You must have a physical ordering and shipping address in the United States verified by PayPal (not a Post Office box). If your shipping address is not the same as your residential address, include your residential address. This is required for approval and personalization of your e-book.
Ordering Information: To place an order go the the Retail Orders page. After your order has been approved and processed, you will receive a download link where you can download your e-book for a limited time after purchase. If you lose your e-book, contact the lead author to get a replacement.
About e-book formats: Common formats are PDF and EPUB (English language). Each format has advantages and disadvantages.
The PDF format is widely supported. Its best feature is that it gives the closest representation of the physical book. This can be advantageous when there are indexes in the book that refer to the page numbers of the physical book. Another advantage of a PDF format is that some captions and headings may not be orphaned as they might be in an EPUB (depending on the app or reader device). A disadvantage of PDF is that it may require more scrolling, especially on smaller devices, depending on the device or reader software. Both PDF and EPUB formats are freely searchable, though searching capability may depend on the type of reader (app) that is used. PDF books may be "restricted" or "non-restricted" in terms of ability to copy and print content. The majority of PDF books restrict copy, paste, and printing of text for copyright protection.
The EPUB format is also widely accepted and supported. It is standardized format used by many publishers, readers, and device makers. It has features similar to web pages such as reflowable text and hyperlinks. The main advantage of EPUB is that it generally gives the best reader experience, especially on small reader devices. Though reflowable text is generally advantageous, there can be downsides depending on the device or software used to display the book. For example, on pages containing large photos, the photo caption may flow to the top of the next page making it more difficult to associate the caption with the photo. Another example is that a subheading might be orphaned at the bottom of the page instead of being kept with the first sentence below the subheading. Most EPUB books are printable, but may be subject to DRM (Digital Rights Management).
The format chosen is usually based on your preferred reading device and software. Note: EPUB or PDF e-books can not be read on a Kindle which requires the Mobi format.
Devices used for reading e-books: Select the format of your choice for reading on one or more of the following devices shown in the table below:
E-book Device |
EPUB format |
PDF format | Comments |
Desktop | yes | yes | Use the reader of your choice. |
Laptop | yes | yes | Use the reader of your choice. |
Android | yes | yes | Search the Android Marketplace for the app of your choice. |
iPad | yes | yes | Read it on your iPad |
iPhone | yes | yes | Read it in iBooks or reader of your choice |
iPod touch | yes | yes | Read it in iBooks or reader of your choice |
Kindle | no | no | The Kindle requires the proprietary Mobi format. |
Sony Reader | yes | yes | Accepts most restricted and unrestricted PDFs, but restricted PDFs may disallow copy, paste, and print |
Adobe Digital Editions | yes | conditional | Accepts unrestricted PDFs that allow copy, paste, or print |
Adobe Reader | no | yes | Accepts restricted and unrestricted PDFs, but restricted PDFs may disallow copy, paste, and print |
Other | inquire | inquire | E-book readers and device alternatives are evolving. |
Terms of usage: The term e-book refers to an electronic version of the printed book. Though the e-book is protected by copyright, your e-book is free of DRM (Digital Rights Management). This gives you lots of freedom in how, when, where, and how long you use it; and, how many devices are used to store your e-book. You have lifetime access to the book when you purchase your e-book directly from the author on this website. If you buy an e-book, you may lend it to another person, just as you would a print book, provided that you do not keep any copies of the book on your device(s) after you lend it. You may not sell your e-book. Your lifetime access license and benefit allows for replacement of your book in case of loss. Lifetime access is not transferable. Your e-book is personalized with your name, residental address, order date, and order number watermarked in the footer of all pages. The e-book version number may be found on the title page. Your PDF e-book is designed to be read on a computer or mobile device, but is non-printable. Permissions include bookmarking and text access for screen reader devices for the visually impaired. E-book orders are non-refundable after download.